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An Encounter with Christ Creates an Unquenching Spark within You!

By Ben Shiller Jacob

An Encounter with Christ Creates an Unquenchable Spark Within You!

“And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?

Luke 24:32 NKJV

This was a conversation between two disciples (not of twelve disciples) of Christ Jesus after meeting with their Lord on the way to Emmaus.

After resurrection, angels appeared to the women who were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother of James and other women to reassure that everything Jesus told them prior to His crucifixion was true that Jesus has risen from the dead.

Women told to the 11 disciples but none of them couldn’t believe because it sounded dubious. Nothing like this had ever happened in the history of mankind.

Just wanted to make sure what the women were saying, Simon Peter in courage, left them and went directly to the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. He could only find the linen cloths which Jesus’ body was wrapped. Still, he was having a hard time believing what it all meant.

Jesus during His ministry time, He had several disciples other than popular 12 disciples. It is easy to think Jesus only had 12 disciples throughout His ministry.

Yes, Jesus had multiple groups of disciples which form in accordance with the level of relationship they have with Him.

The twelve disciples are the best disciples not based on their character but their willingness, which is crucial to the Lord’s calling. The best disciples I mean is like we all have a best friend among many friends. The favorite one. This doesn’t end here. Among His best disciples, Jesus had best of the best disciples whom you probably remember by now. There were three: Peter, John & James. Why Jesus had picked 3 from 12 to be with Him anywhere He went, shared, and showed mysteries, vision etc.? I believe it is because of their unquenchable hunger and thirst for their Lord Jesus.

Like this manner, Jesus had outer circles of disciples who were also His disciples differing in their commitment with their Master. Unlike the Twelve, these groups vary in degree of relationship, commitment and willingness to the commandments and teachings of their Master, Jesus.

Let’s come back to our point. The two disciples mentioned in Luke 24:13 to 35 belong to the outer circle. One of them was named Cleopas, the other disciple’s name is not mentioned. Anyways, it is interesting to note the reaction or the response of the best of the best disciples, best circle of disciples and outer circle of disciples.

Surprisingly, the three groups had the same responses, which were lack of faith.

Though the closest disciples didn’t profit anything what they have seen and heard from Jesus. So, what do we expect from the outer groups? Nothing high!

I was awe-struck by the verse 15:

‘While they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them.’ NKJV

These two were talking, discussing, reasoning while they were heading to Emmaus. They must have been saddened deeply because their Lord is no longer with them. They might have worried about their future. How is future going to look like without their Teacher? The only Hope they had had ended.

Amidst their unbelief, they tried to reason themselves for what had happened at the tomb, angels’ appearance, linen cloths and so on.

As sons & daughters of Yahweh, we should stop at this verse and ponder one thing. When we create a conversation that circles around Christ Jesus, the Spirit of Holiness is attracted! Doesn’t matter the location where you are in. You could be in your workplace, home, driving, shopping, etc. The moment you startup a conversation about Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit is in your midst whether your physical senses could sense it or not.

Here,  we see Jesus drew near to them while they were conversing about Him. Jesus cannot resist Himself to be with His friends when they talk about Him.

In verse 29:

‘Then they drew near to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He would have gone farther. 29 But they constrained Him, saying, “Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” And He went in to stay with them.’ NKJV

We see here Jesus acted as if He was going farther. Was He actually?

Absolutely not! Jesus is King of kings!

No king comes unless invited. So, Jesus needs to be invited to your reality! Then only He comes unlike Satan and his kingdom. Satan doesn’t need invitation to come to your life.

Jesus enters gently when you force Him whereas Satan enters forcefully.

Walking with Jesus is great, but it’s not final. If we decide to leave Him on our way, we miss the best part.

After walking with Jesus, ask Him to stay with us. At this stage, if we decide to stop going further with Him, we will miss the best part.

Next is our responsibility to dine and feed us. As we go further, we need to be bold because to have Jesus in your life, we must be willing to share everything you have with Him. Many of us stumble at this point of journey with Him. Because it requires our selflessness, commitment, and willingness.

Ok if we are that brave to ask Him to dine with us, our life will never be the same. If we ask Him to feed us, He is more than faithful and willing to feed us with His spiritual food (Kingdom food) which will open your spiritual sight as well as all spiritual senses that way we will see Him in a new perspective which will transform us into Christlikeness. When Jesus feeds you, this food is different. It creates spark (revelation of knowledge of Him) within you that will burn you, people around you, the atmosphere where you are, any substances or matter you touch and deal with.

Let me classify our relationship with our Father God into three circles:

Innermost, Most & Outermost circle of His love.

 A simplified diagram which may help you find yourselves where you are now with Him.

Are you in the innermost circle of love? This earthly life is too short to explore and experience His love fully.

Or the most? Is it enough for you?

Or are you in the outermost? Not to worry, even if you are afar, the moment we decide to be with Him, the journey will be vibrant and full of life.

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Shiller’s Takeaway

As we see here, now it’s our opportunity to use our time that we have left. We must go through all the three phases just like those two disciples went. The result was astonishing. Jesus took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them and their eyes were opened. This is what we sons and daughters need now. Here it is not talking about their natural eyes but their spiritual eyes. So, it is apparent that though how far we walk with Him if we ask not to open our spiritual eyes, we will surely miss the revelation of who we are in Him, what are our calling and inheritance in Him we have.

So, I encourage each of you who reads. It is not coincidence that you read this. Use all your strength to come to Christ Jesus. It doesn’t matter how far you are now from Him.

Start creating an atmosphere where holy Spirit is welcome. When we are home, make sure what we speak mostly. Does it comprise of slandering, perjuring, or foul language? If yes, now you know what mus do next. Replace them with Kingdom talks.

Your conversation could be anything about Jesus and His Kingdom. The atmosphere will change little by little till how far you are able to keep it going.

Do you know why I mentioned home first? Because everything should begin with family. This way you and your family grow together in His love. If our home is aligned with Him. You have won a big battle against the kingdom of darkness.

Kingdom of God is here now. Those who strive for it will reap benefit out of it.

Bring the Kingdom by force to your midst!

Communion with a Contrite Heart

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and grace shown through your Son, our Lord Christ Jesus. We today realize one thing we are not enough. We need to be fed with your Word and anointing. We are not willing to stay where we are. We need to move further with You. For that, we deliberately welcome You into all our matters, every area of our life. We mean it, Father. We pray that you open our spiritual senses so that we may experience and explore things in the invisible realms. We ask you to take us deeper into Your love in the name of Jesus of Nazareth- AMEN!

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