God verse of the day for trust

What does the Bible say about Salvation?

By Ben Shiller Jacob

What does the Bible Says About Salvation?

“8 By grace, you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; 9 it is not from works, so no one may boast.”

Ephesians 2:8-9, NKJV

Salvation has been quite a controversial subject for centuries.

What is salvation according to Bible?

In simple, to be saved from sin, its consequences, and eternal death.

How do you attain salvation?

Before we know how to attain salvation, we must understand how we lost it in the first place.

God the Father created humanity in order to express His love. In the garden of Eden, He created Adam in His image and likeness and gave authority over all other creations. Everything went well until Adam and Eve listened to the serpent’s voice (satan in disguise) rather than Father’s voice (which was not to eat from the tree of good and evil). What happened there was Adam and Eve decided to follow their desire instead of their Creator (entry of sin into humanity), showing independence from God the Father. In other words, separation from God led to eternal death. Here, a sudden shift happened in the spiritual realm. The authority has been given to satan because Adam and Eve listened him rather Yahweh. Adam and Eve followed the master of the kingdom of darkness instead of the Kingdom of God. As a result of this, God cursed the serpent, Adam, Eve, and the earth which was inevitable to this disobedience.

Now, I should emphasize one thing here death, sickness, poverty, suffering, etc. are not normal or natural phenomena as someone believes. These are the result of God’s curses.

Now the dilemma was who can nullify the curses of God? No one except God Himself!

So, even before the creation of the visible and invisible, God the Father in His infinite wisdom, had a perpetual plan and a solution for these curses. That is Jesus Christ (God incarnated)! His only begotten Son.

God Himself became the solution to man’s disobedience.

To remove sin and death from humanity, blood needs to be shed.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make           atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.              Exodus 17:1 NKJV

Shedding of unblemished blood was required to redeem mankind from the curse. Because the whole creation was under sin and death due to Adam and Eve’s disobedience.

‘For all have sinned and fallen short of His glory.’

Romans 3:23 NKJV

To save the world from eternal damnation, the Son of God, Christ Jesus became flesh, lived a sinless life, and died for you and me and for humanity. On the cross, Jesus shed His precious blood which is unblemished and spotless. He became a curse for redeeming us from the curse.

‘Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.’

(For it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”)

Galatians 3:13 NKJV

Jesus took God the Father’s wrath upon Him which was meant for us being a substitute so that we might be forgiven.

Jesus died our death that you and I might share His Life.

This is the best news that we will hear in our lifetime. Because once it was impossible to enter Father’s Kingdom, was made possible through Christ Jesus. This is the work of God.

The life that once was lost is available again to all creations.

Now it’s time to answer how we attain this life in other words, salvation.

Unlike any other religious scriptures, Bible says in order to receive eternal life, one thing is required which is not doing good deeds, following the laws, meditation, pilgrimage, etc. but the work you and I are asked to do is to believe in the One (Jesus) whom God has sent which is called eternal life.  

Salvation is a gift. No man can gain salvation through one’s righteousness. If it was possible, there was no need for Messiah.

Salvation is for the whole of humanity through Christ Jesus, not limited to race, group, or religion. Jesus died for all of us. By believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior, you are saved! Your salvation solely depends on your acceptance of what Jesus has done for you.

Shiller’s Takeaway

See how easy to be saved! You don’t have to work hard to please God anymore. Because God is already pleased with Jesus’ work. To reach Father’s bosom once was impossible even to think is made uncomplicated or painless through our Lord Jesus Christ. After assessing my heart, some days good thoughts accompanied by good works later perverse thoughts resulted in filthiness, how could I possibly be holy and blameless to stand in front of the Holiest of holy with my good works saying to God that I have done these many good deeds such as: helped the poor, provided shelter to those who were in need, did everything right in my abilities, fasted several times, prayed all days, etc. Do you really think these things would give you salvation? Scripture says salvation is not from works, so no one may boast. Yes! No man can boast in front of God pertaining to his good works. Folks, salvation is available. As a matter of fact, it is right in front of you. It’s a matter of making it yourself by just believing in Jesus Christ who was sent by God the Father to give us eternal life so that we may have it more abundantly.

So, it’s time to unlearn what we learned from our culture, tradition, church, and even your family. Think about this, teachings that teach good works are the way to God the Father, I have a question for you, if it is that case, tell me how much good works are needed to be accepted by this Holy God. What is the cut-off limit? 1000? 10,000? or more? This wrong theology doesn’t give a valid answer or guarantee to keep you at peace or assurance.

And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:41-42 NKJV

I challenge you today to have the boldness to choose Jesus, the One and only Thing that is needed in many things.

Communion with a Contrite Heart

Our dear Father, we thank you for your agape love which you showed to us through your only Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We thank you for the salvation offered to us freely through Jesus despite of our disobedience, rebellions, and independence in precious name of Jesus – Amen!

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